Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TV recommendations

Yea, I'm mostly into watching more obscure stuff like cheesy sci-fy or British serials. I'll even watch the occasional mainstream show on hulu (Tina Fey still rules supreme). Here's a couple of shows that you may not of heard of that are worth checking out.

Justified: Tim, I love you.

Downton Abbey: British, PBS, fabulastic......Maggie Smith.

Lost Girl: Canadian series just picked up by the Scify channel. Supernatural creatures living amongst normal folk, lots of leather and quirky sidekicks.

Party Down: Snarky comedy about a catering company composed of out of work actors; actual actors include some that are now in some more famous roles (i.e, lady from Glee, dude from Parks and Rec).

Satisfaction: Australian drama about a legal brothel. Sexy times ensue

Skins (UK): all seasons, wonderful acting, unruly British high schoolers navigate adult issues.

Been hearing hubby laugh hysterically when watching a show called The League. Might be worth checking out.

And, I just added the original Prime Suspect with Helen Mirren to the queue. I'm looking forward to this one.

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