Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New house, new baby, new gray hairs?

This past weekend we finally closed on our house and officially moved in. As you can imagine, I didn't do much except chase Jonah around an admire our new digs. Thankfully David had some much needed help from my bro-in-law Justin and bff J. Garrett. The fleet of Dodge Dakotas revved up and down Manchaca hauling boxes most of the weekend while my mom and Leah helped to unpack boxes and organize. We ordered new furniture and took our first tour of Lowe's as homeowners in need of bird-feeders, rakes, screws, and whatever other miscellaneous crap that seemed shiny and irrestible. Thankfully the little girl decided that she wanted to stay in the belly a little longer, so here I sit at work wondering if I feel labor pains or not. I'm sure we'll be heading to the hospital soon and I'll be enjoying my new couches in my new house with my new little baby. Can't wait!! Please feel free to come by and visit (and bring food!).