Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TV recommendations

Yea, I'm mostly into watching more obscure stuff like cheesy sci-fy or British serials. I'll even watch the occasional mainstream show on hulu (Tina Fey still rules supreme). Here's a couple of shows that you may not of heard of that are worth checking out.

Justified: Tim, I love you.

Downton Abbey: British, PBS, fabulastic......Maggie Smith.

Lost Girl: Canadian series just picked up by the Scify channel. Supernatural creatures living amongst normal folk, lots of leather and quirky sidekicks.

Party Down: Snarky comedy about a catering company composed of out of work actors; actual actors include some that are now in some more famous roles (i.e, lady from Glee, dude from Parks and Rec).

Satisfaction: Australian drama about a legal brothel. Sexy times ensue

Skins (UK): all seasons, wonderful acting, unruly British high schoolers navigate adult issues.

Been hearing hubby laugh hysterically when watching a show called The League. Might be worth checking out.

And, I just added the original Prime Suspect with Helen Mirren to the queue. I'm looking forward to this one.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I think its love....on the range

This is an ode to my new favorite website/blog about a wife and mother living on the range in Oklahoma. Okay, I'm not a big fan of Oklahoma. Perhaps because I'm also a 7th generation Texas and that kind of loyalty runs deep. But this lady is living the dream. Well, my dream anyway. Cue ranch house with top-notch cookwares (I'm gaga for dishes), adorable kiddos wearing cowboy hats, floppy dogs, and lots of what I like to call man-work. Check out Ree Drummond of The Pioneer Woman, and don't tell me you're not impressed. You got it lady....


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tina Fey rules my world

This is the funniest picture I've ever seen. I literally cannot stop laughing, so I had to share.