Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finally with the updates

Well I know its been a while since my last post, but the good news is that Santa just brought us a fancy new camera! So, I'll be able to upload more fantastic pictures of the kiddos and our adventures. But, not today folks since I forgot it at home. Today I've decided to talk about my new (actually old) favorite word: britches. You could say that this word is a little anachronistic, but I'm trying to bring it back. Here's how I work it....

Me: Jonah which britches to you want to wear?
Jonah: Mommy (imagine a very whiny and drawn out tone), I don't want to wear my britches, I want to wear my jammy pants. I love my jammy pants.

So there you have it folks. That's what you call cultural transmission....

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